Naester (Perigee Next)
Fot Technologies - DAM & publishing CMS online

Perigee Software Suite is a CMS/PIM software solution dedicated to the development of e-commerce offers and the collaborative and interconnected production of catalogs and media.

The company FOT Technologies is undertaking in 2016 the adaptation of the Perigee Software Suite (PSS) offer to a new offer accessible online, Naester, wishing in market development to make the solution intuitive, accessible at any access point and promoting the offer of new embedded services for ease of access.

Already benefiting from experience of the benefits and constraints of the Perigee solution in multichannel production and collaborating with FOT in the preliminary reflection and general identity, I was able to bring a transversal identity transcription of the tool, in experience and interoperability of the fundamentals, allowing in a context of web exploitation to increase the fields of action and edition of the software solution.

The delivered charter overhauls the functional homogeneity and implements the management/monitoring of quantitative workflows and collaboration spaces. Without dependence on a workstation, the user can now mount his offer assortments directly within the tool (in product base and in page), dynamicaly manage his resources and product bases, precompose, animate campaigns, access to the media and their renewals, as well as track productive progress.

Levels of added value enable them to meet contemporary expectations at functional levels and customer business lines (merchandising, marketing, sales media producers), accessibility to layout principles, creation/construction/templating of assets, take advantage of tools adapted to mail-order sales with up-to-date and dynamic administrative renewal, allowing better control of campaigns, pooling resources and skills in order to streamline production upstream and downstream, right up to releases.


Further development by FOT Technologies (launch solution)


    • UX, identity and charter research

    • 2makesense SAS - François Amri

    • Customer

    • FOT Technologies

  • App ONF La futaie des Clos
    Domaine de Bercé
    Innovative app for a site classified as "Forêt d'Exception"
  • Monet
    Immersive scenography
  • Mona Lisa,
    a journey through the masterpiece
    Immersive exhibition